Development of an optimization based approach for transmission line towers structural design
During a new structural design, the engineer is based on his intuition and experience acquired from previous projects. This process is often characterized by a slow evolution, in which successive trial and error procedures are quite common. Thus, techniques allowing a systematic search of the structural configuration can help to find more efficient solutions in a reduced time. Within this context, structural optimization is a numerical process that aims at obtaining the solution presenting the minimum cost, while maintaining the safety levels established in the design codes. Then, the present R&D (P&D 6491-0311/2013) project intends to develop and implement topological optimization tools for the structural design of transmission line towers (TLs). This allows merging three structural engineering fields not yet performed in terms of practical design applications of TL towers: (1) Numerical methods for the analysis of lattice structures, (2) Structural topology optimization, (3) Structural design of TL towers.
Prof. Leandro Fadel Miguel (Coordinator)
Prof. Rafael Holdorf Lopez
Prof. André Jacomel Torii
Rafael Rodrigues de Souza (Dsc student)
Rafael Roberto Roman (Dsc student)
Gustavo Nagel (Msc student)
Alexandre Deichmann (Msc student)