National collaboration
Prof. André Teófilo Beck (USP)
Prof. Beck from the University of São Paulo (USP) has been working with CORE’s researchers for the past ten years on topics related to the development of risk optimization algorithms, reliability analysis of progressive failure problems, and Performance Based Engineering (PBE).
Prof. André Jacomel Torii (UNILA)
Prof. Torii from the Federal University for Latin American Integration (UNILA) has been working with CORE’s researchers for the past twelve years on topics related to structural safety, structural optimization, reliability based design optimization (RBDO), risk optimization, sensitivity analysis and reinforced concrete structures. He has also co-advised several master dissertations at UFSC.
Prof. Elder Oroski (UTFPR)
Prof. Oroski from the Technological Federal University of Paraná (UTFPR) has been working with CORE’s researchers for the past five years on topics related to signal processing techniques applied to bridge monitoring systems, the Bayesian model updating of bridge structures. He has co-advised one PhD thesis UFSC.
Prof. Henrique Kroetz (UFPR)
Prof. Kroetz from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) has been working with CORE’s researchers for the past three years on topics related to the development of risk optimization algorithms based on stochastic gradients, and the reliability analysis of time dependent problems. He has co-advised two master dissertations at UFSC, and it currently the co-advisor of one dissertation.